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As a professional headshot photographer and marketer, I see a lot of parallels between a great headshot and a good website.

What does your social media picture say about you when people search or look at your online profile? It amazes me how many professionals either have an outdated headshot or do not use one. I saw a professional business person use an Avatar for their profile picture.

Look at your profile picture on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Does it convey the image or brand you want the marketplace to see? Is it old and outdated? Is it blurry, or better yet, do you have a tree sticking out of the back of your head?

Your LinkedIn or Instagram photo will often be people’s first interaction with you. How do you want to be portrayed? A prosecuting attorney may wish to have a “tough” look, whereas a business owner may want to come across as “approachable.”

A great headshot tells the world what you are about and what you stand for……it is your brand and will get you noticed. It tells a story of who you are and helps people relate to you. A lousy headshot has the opposite effect. Do you come across as sloppy and disorganized? Can you be trusted to handle a client’s sales order? A good headshot says I am open for business and will take care of you, Mr. Customer.

Like a good headshot, first impressions matter regarding your website. Does your website showcase your brand? A good website will be easy to navigate and let potential customers know you are credible and trustworthy.

When potential clients come to your site, are they staying on the site or moving on? I read a book a long time ago that said something to the effect that you “only have three seconds to make a good impression” with someone you meet for the first time. In today’s society, if we do not find what we are searching for right away, we move on to the next site.

When consumers search for a product or service, it is likely the first time they will interact with your company. Are you providing the value they came for and conveying that you are easy to work with? Are you using Chat? Is your telephone number prominently displayed? A great website will be engaging and provide the user with a positive customer experience.

A great website is also designed for SEO or what we call Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that it will appear in popular search engine results. We will dig into that more in another blog.

By starting with a good website, you can ensure that your marketing efforts have a solid foundation and are more likely to be successful in the long run.

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