Our social media advertising team has years of experience creating first-class online campaigns. JBX Strategies is a leading paid media agency.

What is Paid Media?

Over 80% of consumers research businesses online. Social Media Advertising allows organizations to identify and target those consumers on platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Linkedin, and others.

Our Paid Media Services

Our Paid Media Services Group focuses on creative design, audience targeting, and performance optimization. Identifying the correct target market is paramount to a successful campaign.

Our Process

Historical statistics and demographics of your existing customer base allow us to identify the appropriate target market. Open communication and specific goals are determined before launching social media advertising and monitored throughout the process.


Analytics and ROI or ROAS (Return on ad spend) are the most critical factors in Paid Media. You have a right to know whether or not your dollars spent are providing a good return.

Contact JBX Strategies today to learn more about our Social Media Advertising services.

Let’s Get in Touch

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about your business.